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Low Cost High Quality Dui Defense

Low Cost High Quality DUI Defense

Never settle, always hire the best legal representation you can afford. In the end, it’ll be worth every penny.

DWI Attorney Fees in New York State

How much does a DWI attorney cost? It is important to recognize that DWI is a criminal matter, best left to those experienced in all aspects of DWI and related crimes.

5 Guidelines for Comparing DWI Defense Law Firms

  1. Cost does not always indicate quality of representation – a top-notch DWI lawyer doesn’t always cost more, and you want the most experienced attorney you can afford.
  2. Not all law firms are local – they may not be as familiar with local courts and prosecutors.
  3. Experience does matter – look for specific experience in DWI and criminal law.
  4. Check credentials – hiring an attorney that is well known and respected can be a benefit in any legal matter.
  5. Don’t let payment plans distract you from a quality DWI defense – most law firms, including E. Stewart Jones, are willing to work with clients that require a payment plan.

Compare Legal Fees of DWI Lawyers

There are a large number of lawyers offering DWI legal counsel in the Albany, Schenectady, Troy,, Saratoga Springs, and all of Upstate New York. We suggest you contact an experienced DWI attorney early on to better understand your rights and options. The call will also give you an opportunity to understand how the attorney would handle your situation and should provide you with a feeling of comfort. Each attorney and firm will price their services differently and a higher quote doesn’t necessarily mean more DWI experience or a higher level of service.

Our team takes the time to listen, ask questions and provide you with expert guidance as to your legal options. The attorneys at Hacker Murphy will also provide you a quote for legal services right over the phone, based on your specific situation. There is no obligation and we always provide free initial consultations.

Should You Hire an Attorney When Facing DWI?

Yes. You should always seek the most qualified legal counsel you can afford when facing a DWI. Fortunately, as you can see above, the Hacker Murphy has made excellent legal representation affordable for everyone in the Capital District.

The Stakes are High with DWI

A DWI conviction can have devastating effects on your life. You could be facing fines, imprisonment, probation, and/or your driver’s license could be suspended or revoked. In addition, a DWI conviction could impact your auto insurance rates, ability to get a job, immigration and citizenship eligibility, ability to get or keep a gun permit, get security clearance for a job, adopt a child, become a firefighter and impact travel. Most colleges and universities require disclosure of criminal convictions on their applications. A DWI conviction also appears on criminal background or public records check, often run by landlords, volunteer organizations, and potential employers.

3 Questions to Consider When Comparing DWI Attorney Costs

  1. Do they have the expertise I need?
  2. What does the DWI lawyer or law firm include in their legal fees?
  3. What will be the total cost for your DWI defense and is a payment plan available?

Choose Your DWI Attorney Carefully

You will very likely feel a sense of urgency, perhaps even panic, when obtaining legal counsel to represent yourself or a loved one when facing DWI charges. Investing a little time researching the attorney that best suits your needs could make a significant impact on the outcome of your case.

Get a Free DWI Case Analysis

We have an attorney available to answer any of your questions related to DWI or DWAI – 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us today for a confidential Free DWI Case Evaluation. A few minutes on the phone with us could change everything.

The Hacker Murphy has represented clients facing criminal defense charges with dignity, compassion and excellence. Meet our attorneys and view the areas we serve.

Hacker Murphy also represents clients with the following criminal charges:

Call us now for a no-obligation and Free DWI Case Analysis. We have four offices conveniently located in Albany, Schenectady, Troy, and Saratoga Springs. If needed, our attorneys are also available to meet at your home, police station, or jail.

We are here to help you through this difficult situation.

Have Questions?

  • If I hire an attorney but do not want to go to trial, can I settle?
    In the course of preparing a case for trial, your personal injury attorney will work with the defense attorneys and insurance companies in an effort to secure a fair settlement for you and your family. The final decision to accept an offer of settlement or go to trial is yours alone to make.
    Contact us now to discuss your case with one of our experienced attorneys.
  • If arrested, what steps can I take on my behalf?

    1. Do not discuss your situation with anyone except your attorney.

    2. Unless your attorney says otherwise, do not discuss your case with law enforcement.

    3. Request to have your attorney present if you are to be put in a lineup or subjected to testing.

    4. Remain calm and courteous. Allow your attorney to speak for you to ensure that your rights are protected and you are given all the benefits afforded to you under the law.
    Contact us now to discuss your case with one of our experienced attorneys.

  • What is the difference between criminal procedure and civil procedure?
    When a crime has been committed, action is taken by a government agency against the person, persons, organization or other entity that violated the law. The first purpose of a criminal prosecution is punishment, which frequently consists of a fine or jail time. In a civil matter, the dispute is between two or more individuals or entities. The first purpose of a civil prosecution is obtaining compensation for the wronged person or entity. Settlement in a civil matter is generally an award of a money judgment. A criminal sentence is not imposed in a civil matter.
    Contact us now to discuss your case with one of our experienced attorneys.