Did you get sick from tainted food? Experienced Food Borne Illness Attorneys in Upstate NY
When people get sick at a hotel or restaurant the health department or Food and Drug Administration (FDA) often investigates to determine the cause of the common illness. The illnesses are often recognizable, such as E. coli, Legionnaires disease, listeria, norovirus, and salmonella. In many of these situations, even though the case was investigated, proper actions may not have been taken by that establishment in order to prevent future outbreaks or warn future patrons. As a result, more people may get sick and suffer injuries.
At the law offices of Hacker Murphy, we understand the questions and concerns that clients often have after they or a loved one have been injured as the result of a foodborne or waterborne illness outbreak. Our attorneys strive to uncover all facts in the case, in order to determine who is at fault. Whether the illness resulted from a tainted product that should have been discarded or was recalled or existed in a location that was improper, we can move forward with a case on your behalf in order to recover compensation for the injuries you have suffered. Contact us today for more information on these types of cases.
Lack of Alert
Many of these types of cases stem from the lack of alert. This means that the public and patrons of that establishment were not properly alerted to the illness that was previously discovered and could potentially still be lurking. As a result, the hotel, restaurant, or other location may be responsible for the injuries suffered by guests who unknowingly put themselves in harm’s way.
Outbreak Fatalities
Unfortunately, when outbreaks occur, there is an increased chance that fatalities will also occur. When these deaths are the result of someone else’s negligence or lack of alert, it may be possible to file a wrongful death lawsuit against any and all negligent parties. Though our firm understands that nothing can bring the loved one back, we are committed to helping surviving family members seek justice and compensation for the losses they have suffered.
Contact an Experienced Foodborne Illness Lawyer Today
These types of cases can be complicated and require skilled assistance. Let our highly respected and experienced firm help you. Contact us for a free personal injury consultation by phone or schedule a confidential in-person meeting with an attorney at one of our four convenient offices in Albany, Schenectady, Troy, or Saratoga Springs, NY. Flexible appointments, including evenings and weekends, are available upon request.