Cathy’s primary area of practice is Real Property Tax. Cathy has over 20 years of experience practicing within all of the counties in New York State (excluding the boroughs of New York City), in the valuation of both residential and commercial properties, including, but not limited to, small and large apartment complexes, condominiums, manufacturing buildings and factories, golf courses and vacant land. Her ability to review real estate appraisals and analyze the income and expense statements and compare sales of properties has assisted her in negotiating the best outcome for her clients. Cathy has also represented homeowners in SCAR proceedings.
Cathy’s practice also includes working with clients on transactional real estate, both residential and commercial, and representation in landlord-tenant disputes and eviction matters. She has worked for many years assisting her clients in understanding all aspects of and then finalizing these legal transactions. Cathy has also worked closely with clients in issues related to the formation and organization of various business organizations, including corporations and limited liability companies.
Cathy has also appeared in local Courts throughout New York State representing clients for all types of traffic violations.
Cathy’s ability to counsel her clients, work amicably with her adversaries and navigate the courts has assisted her in all aspects of her practice.
Cathy was affiliated with Hacker Murphy, LLP prior to its merger with E. Stewart Jones in 2015.
- Juris Doctor, Albany Law School of Union University
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Boston University
- State of New York
- United States District Court, Northern District of New York
- New York State Bar Association
- Albany County Bar Association
- Saratoga County Bar Association
- Schenectady County Bar Association
- Capital District Women’s Bar Association
- New York State Assessor’s Association
- Real Property Tax Assessment
- Condemnation/Eminent Domain
- Commercial and Property Disputes
- Commercial and Residential Transactions
- Formation of Business Entities
- Traffic Violations