Wage Increase Approval for NYS

The New York State Wage Board announced yesterday, Wednesday, July 22, 2015, the approval of a wage increase for fast food establishment workers. This means that workers at a fast food chain restaurant with more than 30 locations will be receiving $15.00 per hour. The common misconception out there right now is that this increase will happen right away. These restaurant workers will work their way up to $15 per hour over a period of time.

New York City workers will be the first to receive $15 per hour in 2018. On December 31, 2015 minimum wage will increase to $10.50 in New York City and then on that day every year, the wage will increase. It won’t be until 2021 that all of the workers in New York will be making $15 per hour. Hopefully, by 2021, all workers will be making $15 per hour.

“This is likely the first step toward raising wages throughout all industries in New York. The implementation of this wage increase will also be watched closely throughout the Country,” said Attorney Ryan Finn, from Hacker Murphy. “This is a win for the hardworking individuals who work in the fast food industry in New York.”

If you have any questions about this minimum wage approval or if you feel that you are not receiving the proper benefits from your employer, contact the law offices of Hacker Murphy for a free, no-obligation consultation. Our experienced attorneys can meet you at any of the four regional offices located in Albany, Troy, Schenectady, and Saratoga Springs, NY.