Civil Case to be Filed for Client Pepper-Sprayed by Saratoga Police

Charges Against Adam Rupeka Dismissed by  Saratoga County District Attorney

Hacker Murphy plans to pursue a civil case after Mr. Rupeka was pepper-sprayed by Saratoga Springs police

SARATOGA SPRINGS – Adam Rupeka was vindicated following being pepper-sprayed and arrested in a traffic stop by Saratoga Springs police when the Saratoga County District Attorney made a motion to dismiss all charges today.

Mr. Rupeka was pulled over in downtown Saratoga Springs on May 16. During the stop, a Saratoga Springs police officer pepper-sprayed Mr. Rupeka and then placed him in the back of a police cruiser with the windows rolled up, further increasing the pain of the substance.

Attorney James Knox, of the Hacker Murphy, is representing Mr. Rupeka and plans to pursue a civil case against the police officer who pepper-sprayed Mr. Rupeka, and possibly the Saratoga Springs Police Department. The officer who made the arrest has been placed on administrative leave.

“From the start, there was only one outcome that was going to satisfy us, and that was total dismissal. I applaud the district attorney for making the right decision today to dismiss this case,” said Attorney James Knox of the Hacker Murphy. “The officer in question had no probable cause to stop or arrest my client, and the District Attorney noted today that the dismissal serves the interest of justice.”

Mr. Knox anticipates moving forward with the civil case in the very near future.

About Hacker Murphy: The January 2015 merger of the E. Stewart Jones and Hacker Murphy law firms creates an entity with a combined 134-year track record of success in the Upstate New York legal community. With offices in Albany, Troy, Schenectady, and Saratoga Springs, the firm’s 15 attorneys offer unparalleled legal counsel in the areas of commercial litigation, property tax dispute, criminal defense and personal injury law.