$7.5 Million
Wrongful Death
$7.5 million settlement in the United States District Court for 1 death and 12 injuries sustained by students as a result of a dormitory fire at Skidmore College.
$7 Million
Product Liability
$7 million for wrongful death due to products liability of a defective smoke detector.
$5.25 million settlement. Failure to diagnose and treat kidney disease.
$3 Million
Property Tax - Owner
Obtained a $3 million refund for a property initially denied an exemption for environmental improvements.
Successful defense of a multi-million dollar federal civil rights litigation case involving a false arrest and the use of excessive force by the police. The Plaintiff was shot in the back which caused permanent disability.
Client was charged with Assault in the Second Degree (Class D Violent Felony), Resisting Arrest, and Obstruction of Governmental Administration (Misdemeanors).
Following a three-week trial, the client was acquitted of the felony charge, and although convicted on the misdemeanor counts did no jail time.
Secured dismissal of academic integrity charges following a faculty panel hearing against an accused student at New York University
Welch Foods Inc. v. Town of Westfield - Defense of assessment on national market, grape processing complex with appeals court upholding majority of trial court determination.
Blue Circle Inc. v. Schermerhorn - Successful defense of $65 million assessment of cement manufacturing plant.
$19.1 million verdict increased to $19.85 on appeal. (Auer v. State of New York 289 A.D.2d 626 (2001). Improperly designed and maintained highway shoulder. Severe brain injury and quadriplegia.
See full article here.
$18 Million-- products liability and pharmacy malpractice, negligent substitution of defective pharmaceutical product causing to a birth defect and paraplegia.
$16 Million-- medical obstetric and hospital malpractice. Negligent use of cervical ripening medication, failing to recognize fetal distress, and delay in delivery causing leading to hypoxic brain injury and quadriplegia to the baby. Failure to recognize and properly treat post delivery hemorrhage leading to maternal death.