How Your Injuries Are Paid for After a Hit-and-Run in New York

Dealing with injuries after a car accident can be difficult enough. However, it can become even more complicated and stressful if your accident involves a hit and run. If you’ve been in an accident caused by someone who fled the scene, how are your injuries paid for afterward? Fortunately, you might have more options than you think.

Paying for Your Injuries After an Accident in Albany

After an accident, you could end up with numerous visits to the emergency room, doctors, physical therapists, and other medical expenses. These costs add up quickly, and you shouldn’t have to manage them by yourself if someone else was responsible for your car accident.

In some cases, there is hope. You may be able to get compensation for your injuries, which can help you pay for some of these expenses.

Proving Liability

In order to get compensation after an accident, you’ll need to prove liability, which can become a challenge if you can’t find the driver who caused the accident. This is one of the most important reasons to contact the police immediately. In many cases, the police can help track down the driver, so that you can file a claim against him or her for your injuries.

If the driver cannot be located, you may also be able to file a claim with your insurance company. However, this sometimes requires having Supplementary Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist coverage on your policy.

In either event, it’s crucial that you consult a qualified accident attorney who can examine the details of your accident, possibly help you locate the responsible driver, prove liability, and get you the compensation you need and deserve.

Statute of Limitations on Claims and Injuries

If you aren’t able to identify the hit and run driver, and you have to file the claim with your insurance company, you should know that your time to do so might be limited. You may need to prove that you have been injured in order to get compensation within a certain amount of time. Further, the statute of limitations for filing a lawsuit against the other driver in New York is typically three years, so it’s important to get started right away.

Types of Damages

It isn’t just injuries that you might get paid for after a hit and run accident. The other driver could also be held accountable for damage to your vehicle, lost time from work, and loss of affection or companionship.

Experienced Injury Attorneys at Hacker Murphy Law

At the Hacker Murphy law firm, our attorneys have years of experience navigating a variety of different types of accidents, including hit and runs. If you or someone you love has been injured because of another driver’s negligence, we can help. To request a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys, call us at (518) 663-6015, or fill out our online contact form to get started.