Retired US Magistrate Judge Treece Joins Hacker Murphy

The Law Firm of Hacker Murphy, LLP announced that retired United States Magistrate, Judge Randolph Treece, became of counsel to the firm as of April 15, 2016.

Judge Treece was appointed on April 26, 2001 Magistrate Judge for the United States District Court for the Northern District of New York. After a combined total of nearly 40 years in the practice law and dedicated service to the bench, Judge Treece retired in September 2015.

Judge Treece was the first African-American to be appointed to the federal judiciary of the Northern District of New York and the first person of color to be appointed or elected to the judiciary at any level, state or federal, in over 100 years in upstate New York.

Prior to his appointment as Magistrate, Judge Treece served as counsel to the Office of the State Comptroller in H. Carl McCall’s administration. Prior to this service, he was the first Deputy Capital Defender of the New York State Capital Defender’s Office, an Assistant Attorney General for the State of New York, Assistant Public Defender for Rensselaer County, and a Partner in the law firm of Fritts, Whiting and Treece. Judge Treece was born and raised in Troy, New York and graduated from Siena College and Albany Law School where he currently sits on the Board of Trustees.

Senior partner E. Stewart Jones said “It is an honor and a privilege to have Judge Treece associated with our firm. His knowledge and experience will be invaluable to both our clients and our attorneys.”

Judge Treece is expected to concentrate his practice in alternative dispute resolution, personal injury and complex commercial and employment litigation.

Hacker Murphy, LLP maintains offices in Troy, Albany and Saratoga. The firm concentrates its practice in the areas of personal injury, medical malpractice, complex commercial and corporate litigation, employment and tax certiorari litigation.