Deadline for Real Estate Tax Assessment Complaints

“I shall never use profanity except in discussing house rent and taxes.” Mark Twain

The uniform day for filing real property tax assessment complaints in upstate New York cities and towns is TUESDAY, MAY 24TH.

Complaints must be received by mail or delivered in person to municipal assessment review boards by the close of business on that date; failure to timely file a complaint on the prescribed “grievance form” forecloses property owners from later seeking more formal judicial review of the fairness of their valuations.This rule applies without exception to residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural or utility property owners and their  authorized agents, tax managers or representatives. Owners may visit their  local assessor’s office to obtain the proper forms and may also ask for assistance from the assessor’s staff in completing it properly.

If you feel that your property is significantly over-assessed, the lawyers of Hacker Murphy, LLP can assist you with your initial grievance complaint and, if appropriate, guide you through the judicial assessment review process which suits your particular property type.

Contact David Murphy (518-213-0117), Patrick Seely (518-213-0118)  or Cathy Drobny (518-213-0116) for a free and confidential consultation concerning your 2016 property tax assessment and taxes.